Doctoral Studies

Sosnet universities have collaborated in doctoral studies since 1995, when the National Post-Graduate School for Social Work and Social Services was established.

If you are interested of doctoral studies in social work in Finland, please read more: general instructions, postgraduate studies, doctoral degree.


Sosnet doctoral collaboration has been renewed during 2021. 

From the academic year 2021-2022, Sosnet will offer 1-2 online courses and 1-2 seminars each year that are open to all doctoral students in social work in Finland. 

Forthcoming seminars and courses will be informed on this page. Please see more: Sosnet_for Doctoral Researhers_2024_2025.pdf.


  • the Nordic-Baltic Doctoral Network in Social Work (NBSW), Summer School 21-25 Aug 2023, Vilnius, Read more. 
  • Get-together for Doctoral Researchers of the Sosnet Universities 2nd October 2023, read more (pdf).
  • Teams Coffee Break for Doctoral Students 14.9. 2pm-3pm Join us to discuss and network with other doctoral researchers.
  • Webinar of Sosnet and the Finnish Society of Social Work Research  30.11.2023 12pm–3pm read more
  • Teams Coffee Break for Doctoral Students 18.1.2024 2pm–3pm. Join us to discuss and network with other doctoral researchers
  • The Finnish Social Work Research Conference, pre-conference for Social Work Doctoral Students 14.2.2024 12pm–6pm. Theme: political and societal issues on research Registration and more info
  • Team Coffee Break for Doctoral Researches 4.9.24, 5.11.24, 18.2.25 and 24.4.25.  Link
  • Webinar on "Doing researh on heavy topics" Mon 25.11.24 at 12:00-15:30 organised by SOSNET and Finnish Society of Social Work Research. Registration in 1.10-18.11.2024.ohjelma_programme.pdf
  • Get together for Doctoral Researchers of Sosnet universities 20.1.25 at 10-11:30. Registration in December.
  • The Finnish Social Work Research Pre-conference for Doctoral Researchers 14.5.25 at 12-18 in Rovaniemi. Theme "Social work encountering vulnerability". Registration in March.
  • Nordic Baltic summer school for doctoral researhers August 2025. Application in spring.

Other activities

Sosnet has a facebook group for doctoral students in social work within the Sosnet universities. Aims of the group are to provide information on doctoral studies in social work, to act as a discussion group for doctoral students and to provide low threshold support and assistance in issues related to doctoral studies.

Contact information

Coordinator of collaborative studies (Sosnet)
PhD, Lecturer of social work Heli Tiirola
University of Eastern Finland
phone: +358 50 4557081
